Introduction to Adobe Illustrator software

Adobe Illustrator is a software application for creating drawings, illustrations, and artwork using a Windows or MacOS computer. Illustrator was initially released in 1987…

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop software

Photoshop is a photo-editing software. It is a popular image changing software package. It was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John…

Cloud-based Message Recall in Exchange Online

At Microsoft Ignite several years ago we announced that we were working on a new cloud-based message recall feature for Exchange Online. Today we’re…

Leveraging 3D layout to optimize PCB System Designs

2D design is no longer sufficient for today’s complicated PCB layouts.  Flex  and  rigid-flex  designs,  and an increasing need for collaboration with MCAD, require…

ModelSim – ASIC and FPGA debugging and verification software

ModelSim simulates behavioral, RTL, and gate-level code - delivering increased design quality and debug productivity with platform-independent compile. Single Kernel Simulator technology enables transparent…

Tanner L-Edit IC

The Tanner L-Edit IC features a custom IC schematic control layout for analog mixed-signal designs that build on standards, OpenAccess, iPDK, and TCL. Key…

What is Mendix?

What is Mendix? Mendix is a high productivity app platform that enables you to build and continuously improve mobile and web applications at scale.…

New features of NX software in factory application

With the release of NX Software 2306, you will find new capabilities and enhancements for manufacturing plant applications, enabling you and your company to…

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