ICDV 2024: The 9th International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification


(ICDV 2024) will be held in Hanoi in coordination with the International University – VNU, IEEE CAS Vietnam Chapter, and the Institute of Information Technology – VNU.

The ICDV 2024 conference will provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss research results, and present chips, circuit designs, and applications in the field of semiconductors.


As the Diamond sponsor for this event, Siemens – Vietbay respectfully invites Partners and Customers to attend the event:

Time: June 6-8, 2024

Location: Hanoi National University


Partners and customers attending the event will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet and discuss with leading experts in the field of semiconductor chips. The sharing session with Siemens EDA experts will take place on June 6.
  • Listen and absorb useful knowledge through the special session “Survey of ML applications in functional verification” from Deputy Director of Siemens EDA, Mr. Michael Chiang, on the first day of the event.
  • Experience first-hand demo versions of Siemens EDA’s leading software solutions.

Join now to not miss the opportunity to access the world’s leading technology solutions and meet with experts in the field of innovation.

Contact us for free and detailed advice:


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