Valor NPI Manufacturing Solutions

Achieve more with data driven manufacturing

With Valor NPI manufacturing solutions you can become a best-in-class electronics manufacturer by better utilizing the vast data generated across your production operations. The comprehensive solutions provide an easily accessible platform for gathering, analyzing and leveraging data from all machines and processes on the shop floor.

Out-of-the-box dashboards and reports provide informative views into equipment, line and factory performance, including enterprise resource planning (ERP). Integrated manufacturing analytics for materials and full automation of material between workstations ensure smooth just-in-time (JIT) replenishment to lines and increasing production efficiency, while enabling you to reduce material inventory and obsolescence.

Automated Intralogistics

Opcenter Intraplant Logistics enables a Lean flow of materials between the warehouse and shop-floor. It helps the factory reduce inventory and waste by optimizing usage for higher turnover and removing the excess from the shop-floor.

Data Analytics for Electronics Manufacturing


Opcenter Intelligence Electronics is designed specifically for PCB manufacturing and assembly, providing PCB manufacturing executives, line managers, and manufacturing engineers with crucial information needed to deliver quality products on time.

Electronics Shop-Floor Data Acquisition & Normalization

Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT enables manufacturing insights by providing access to data from all machines and processes on the shop-floor. It maximizes data flow efficiency through automatic neutralization of all acquired data from the shop-floor.

Production Scheduling for PCB Assembly

Dramatically improve your manufacturing efficiency with realistic work-order scheduling that reflects your real-time factory capacity.


For more information, please contact:
Vietbay CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Team
Phone/Zalo/Whatsapp: 091 929 5520
Email: [email protected]
Website: * *

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