Since its inception in January 2004, Vietbay has been impressed by the soft and fluttering name, very different from the hard high-tech. In order to nuture “the passion” to transfer the special technology, intangible assets but high value such as software, Vietbay has gone through many days to explain the concept of “software copyright”, software value and license for customers. Vietbay also develops the business of selling computers, servers and office equipments, and many IT projects to wait until the business of software licenses is blooming. After only a few years, Vietbay was well-known throughout the North provinces of Vietnam in providing a thousand seats of software of a hundred of global software firms. We do more believe in our choice when receiving many encourages and confirmations of the customers who affirm that we have our core values that makes Vietbay becomes a very unique from others and we will be more successful in near future.
In 2009, when the software market was booming with many new distributors and resellers, Vietbay changed its strategy from width to depth by transfering software solutions applying in various industries. This change has brought Vietbay name spread throughout Vietnam and wellknown in the region.
In 2014, the Vietbay leaders developed the business with a new strategy for the next 5-year stage: focusing more on industrial software and smart manufacturing solutions with Siemens PLM Software – the biggest software brand now in the world. We have a great success of inceasing revenue and profits and affirmingg our leading position in Vietnam with a network of more than 1500 business customers as well as the wellknown throughout Southeast Asia region.

15 years is the mature business for an enterprise and Vietbayers now is more confident and energic at work. Working in technology business which changes rapidly with strong influence on economies and industries, Vietbay leaders and employees always keep innovative thinking and creative actions and improve service quality to meet the higher demands of customers. Staring new stage with a rich experience and comprehensive capabilities, with the new strategy “More Value with Trust”, and strong position of the leader in last 15 years, Vietbay believe in stronger growth in the digital era.

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