On May 4, 2024, at the office of Vietbay Technology Co., Ltd., a quarterly summary session took place and honored and rewarded individuals with the best achievements in the first quarter of 2024.
Attending the summary session were the Board of Directors and all employees (employees) in the Company. Department heads reported the results of each department’s work in the first quarter. Company leader – Ms. Dam Thi Hong Lan shared and disseminated innovations in 2024 and goals, plans, and tasks. The service will be deployed in the near future for all employees in the company to grasp and coordinate implementation.

Next is the honoring and awarding ceremony for excellent employees of the first quarter of 2024, such as: Best KPI, Best Content,… This is a reward that represents the company’s recognition of all efforts and the superiority of Vietbayers.

With the results achieved in the first quarter, Vietbay wishes all employees in the company to continue to promote and try harder, complete the 2024 business plan, and reach the finish line with great success.
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