With the viewpoint of “People are the most valuable asset of an organization”, since the early days of the company, Vietbay Leader always has been truly taking care of employees, creating the best conditions for all employees to fully develop their potentials and to achieve “Happy Work – Happy Life” balance.
Recently on 17th October 2020, the company quarterly meeting was held with participation of the Board of Directors and all employees. At the meeting, Ms. Dam Thi Hong Lan – CEO of Vietbay praised and rewarded three employees with outstanding performance in Q3 including Mr. Hoang from Business department for his sales records-breaking, Ms. Thao from HR department for her best talent acquisition, and Mr. Loc from Technical department for the best KPI of the quarter.
Photo: Praise and Rewards to the Best Performers
Congratulations to three outstanding employees and Appreciation to Vietbay company for employee recognition and rewards
After the meeting, Vietbay Party took place to celebrate Vietbayers whose birthdays in the last quarter of the year as well as the Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20th. It was a youthful, joyful atmosphere with greetings, flowers, sweet songs and surprise gifts from Vietbay gentlemen sending lots of love to Vietbay ladies.
Photo: Vietbay Party
We hope that meaningful events connecting Vietbayers like this will be organized more often. Wishing all Vietbayers a lot of health, success, happiness and always make outstanding contributions to Vietbay to grow stronger and stronger. Together, we create success and achieve “Happy Work – Happy Life”.
#Vietbay #Successtogether #HappyWorkHappyLife
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