
Should You Really Trust Gerber?

The Gerber data transfer format has been serving the PCB manufacturing industry for decades, and the Extended Gerber standard (also known as RS-274-X) has…

Validating, costing and sourcing with PCBflow

PCBflow aims to make the design-to-manufacturing process simpler and more efficient. With the addition of our two new features we are coming ever closer to…

Easy and fast DFM analysis now available for PCB designers

PCB designers face a lot of challenges. On one hand, the design must fulfill the electrical functionality requirements. On the other hand, it has…
Phân tích tín hiệu hỗn hợp tương tự

PCB design best practices: analog mixed-signal (AMS)

Analog mixed-signal circuit simulation (AMS) is a technique for analyzing circuits in an integrated environment for analog/mixed-signal behavior, supporting advanced modeling techniques based on…
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Thermal analysis: a crucial part of any PCB design flow

Thermal analysis in the PCB design process stands out as a key tool to ensure the reliability, performance and longevity of electronic systems. Often…

The importance of design for manufacturability in the PCB design process

When it comes to designing and producing electronics, success hinges not merely on the excellence of your design, but also on how effectively and…

PCB design best practice: design and manufacturing collaboration

Another PCB design best practice to talk about within the digitally integrated and optimized pillar is the collaboration between design and manufacturing and how those…

Considerations for rigid-flex design

Rigid-flex design introduces several challenges that many of today’s design tools cannot handle. These could include: Multiple layer stackups Bend areas with specific design…