“One of our goals in developing ZWCAD is to help designers improve efficiency in their daily work. In this version, we put a lot of energy and time to improve the efficiency and functionality of the software.
By boosting the efficiency of basic operations and adding time-saving functions, we complete those tedious, repetitive tasks for designers so they can have more time to deal with the real challenge,” said Kyle He, Product Manager of ZWCAD.There are hundreds of new features, enhancements, and fixes in the latest version. Here are highlights of them:
Efficiency Improvement
For designers and engineers, editing is the most used function in CAD software. When dealing with drawings that contain a large number of entities, it might take plenty of time to perform frequently used commands like Move and Copy. In this version, there is a significant efficiency improvement in basic operations, including Move, Copy, Scale, Rotate, Mirror, Draggeom, and Stretch. Our test shows that, on average, carrying on these basic operations in 2023 SP1 is 47% faster than in 2023 Official.

ZWCAD entered the market as a 2D CAD platform and has integrated basic 3D functions to meet the increasing needs for viewing and editing 3D models. In ZWCAD 2023 SP1, the display effect of 3D models has been greatly optimized. For example, in the current version, zooming in 10 times on a 3D model in the Gouraud mode is 70% faster than in ZWCAD 2023 Official.
Hatch Upgrade
One of the most-used functions for professionals in the architecture industry is Hatch. In this version, we are dedicated to optimizing its functionality and efficiency. In ZWCAD 2023 SP1, when you create or click a hatch object, the contextual menu will appear on the ribbon for you to adjust the properties of hatches faster and easier. Another new feature in Hatch is real-time preview. When you create a hatch, you can preview the effect by hovering the cursor over the hatch object. In this way, unnecessary rework can be avoided. Plus, “Set Origin” and “Set Boundary” are added to the right-click menu for users to modify the origin point and boundary of hatches conveniently.

Import Multiple PDF Pages
Importing multi-page PDF files has long been a big hassle for many CAD software users. In the past, users could only import one page each time and repeat the steps. But now, with this new option, users can select as many pages as they want and import them as CAD objects in one step, saving time in data importing.
Figure 3. Import Multiple PDF Pages
Collect Mleaders
The “Mleadercollect” command is very useful when the drawing is complicated and there is limited room for adding multileaders. With this new command, users can combine multileaders that contain blocks into a single leader line for better visualization and easier modification. There are three options to place the combined leader: horizontal, vertical and wrap.
Figure 4. Collect Mleaders
Cloud Documents
Many designers and engineers often work outside the office and edit their drawings on other devices, which causes laborious manual file transfer between different devices. Powered by reliable cloud service providers, the Cloud Document function enables users to sync their local drawings to the cloud automatically or manually, so users can access their files anytime, anywhere, on any device. When the cloud service is activated, each modification will be synced to the could so users can always get access to the latest version without the hassle of manual transfer.
Figure 5. Cloud Documents
There is a lot more to explore in ZWCAD 2023 SP1. Find out more details at www.zwsoft.com/product/zwcad and get a 30-day free trial now!
Source: ZWSOFT
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