Vietbay leader attended and shared Digital transformation strategy at the Quality and Productivity Forum of the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2020


On December 21st 2020, the Quality and Productivity Forum 2020 was held in Hanoi by the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT). The event summarized and evaluated the results of the project Implementation of improving Productivity and Quality of Industrial Products in the period of 2012-2020 and targets and plans of the next period 2021-2030. Enterpriseses participated in the project have shared their success stories in application of management tools, productivity and quality improvement tools such as ISO, KPI, Kaizen, Lean 6 Sigma… At the forum, Deputy Minister of MOIT Cao Quoc Hung emphasized on the important goal of the next stage as advanced technology application to help enterprises improve product quality, save time and reduce costs etc and gradually transform to digital and smart manufacturing.

Photo: The Quality and Productivity Forum of Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2020

Ms. Dam Thi Hong Lan – Director of Vietbay Company and a technology consultant was invited to attend the MOIT Quality and Productivity Forum and to share Digital transformation strategies with enteprises. Responding to the question “What enteprises need to do to grasp the trend and effectively apply digital technologies”, Ms. Lan advised first of all, business owners needed to realize the role of technology, to understand digital transformation and to equipt themselves digital thinking. Digitalization has changed everything. Whether we act or not, change is still happening.
Therefore, it is best for business when enteprises actively TAKE ACTION, TAKE CHANGE. Technology plays a decisive role in the existence, development and breakthrough to lead the market of any business in this digital age. However, the application of technology or Digital Transformation is a continuous and complicated process of change that has a deep – wide – longterm impact on various business units, production processes and business management of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises need to consider four factors that affect the success of Digital Transformation and have appropriate preparation before starting:

  1. Vision and goodwill of the leaders: Innovative thinking, determination to take change and inspiring to all management levels and all employees.
  2. Applied technology should match and correspond with production and business goals. It is extremely important to choose to work with qualified professionals and suppliers for technology investment advise and deployment.
  3. Finance: Enterprises need to have financial preparation in line with the digital transformation goals due to technology application is happen not only once, for one business unit but affect the entire organization.
  4. Deployment: Technology has been changing rapidly and strongly. A slow deployment will easily become out of dated or delayed implementation of one business unit will affect the other ones.


Photo: Expert sharing at the Quality and Productivity Forum

In the process of technology application to improve quality, increase productivity and gain competitive advantage, enterprises still face many difficulties and challenges. Through her many year experience working with enterprises, Ms. Lan said that enteprises would like to receive support from Vietnam government and organizations on sharing practical information by specific industries such as websites for digital transformation including success stories, processes, or technology solutions… in order to provide a quick, approachable and mainstream resource for enteprises, to reduce the confusion due to overwhelm information of digital transformation; support training to increase awareness and to improve the quality of human resource for technology application; and financial support to enable businesses make digital transformation quickly, synchronously and continuously.

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