On 2nd October 2021, with the consent and support from the Board of Director, Viebay organized a contest “The understanding Vietbay” with the goal of helping employees to better undertand Vietbay in many aspects: Vietbay’s history, culture, rules and regulations,…

The contest has 2 parts: The essay test and the multiple choice test with simple gameplay, especially using the technology applications.
In the both rounds, all the teams are very excellent. They passed all the questions asked by the organization board..

In addition, the trio of Judges, who are the leaders of Vietbay, have shared very enthusiastically in many aspects. This has helped all members of Vietbay have a better understand about the history of formation, mission, core values, aspirations Vietbay has been and will carry out.

After the contest, the organization board finally found the winning team. The best team award was given to the Sao Ke Team, the second prize went to Dep – Sang – Chanh Team and Doan Ket – Ta Chap Het accepted the third prize.

“Thank you for organizing a very meaningful and interesting contest for all Vietbay Staff. Through this contest, we have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding about the company, the values that Vietbay brings to all employees, customers and partners. Once again, thank you for everything”
(Nguyen Thi Hong Phuc – The leader of Sao ke team)
Above all, the practical knowleadge and situational skills drawn from the contest will be valuable experience for Vietbayers to apply in the upcoming working process.
In addition to competitions of improving and improving working skills, Vietbay also regularly organized fun activities to engage employees in the company. Vietbay believes that by increasing the motivation of each employee, we can enhance customer satification and thereby enhance the values we can bring to our customers and partners.