New Feature for GearTrax 2019: Language Selection

You may be interested to know that GearTrax 2019 offers a language selection feature. Our software is only available in English but GearTrax (and GearTraxPRO) label items can be edited by the user to display in other languages. End users running older versions of GearTrax may be intersted in upgrading to utilize this new feature. Here are the user instructions:
To program your own language, please do the following:
  1. In GearTrax or GearTraxPRO, choose General Options from the Spur/Helical drop-down box or by clicking the General Options button on the menu bar.

    New Feature for GearTrax 2019: Language Selection

  2. Choose the language you will be programming from the Language Selector drop-down box.
  3. Check the Enable Label Edit box underneath the Language Selector drop-down box.
  4. Hold down the control button on your computer keyboard while clicking on any label on the GearTraxPRO screen.
  5. Edit the label to whatever you would like it to read.

    New Feature for GearTrax 2019: Language Selection

When you are done making changes, return to the General Options page and click Save Language.

Please share your language changes with Camnetics and other users. The files are located in:

Please send edited language files to [email protected]. Language files we receive from users will be reviewed and added to GearTrax for other users to access. Thank you!

To share privately the language changes you’ve made with co-workers or other end users, send them the edited language file and have them place it in C:\ProgramData\Camnetics,Inc.\GearTrax\2019\Laguages\folder on their own computer. They will need to replace the existing file of the same name with the shared file.

Source: Camnetics