Intelligent Custom IC Verification: 6 Fundamentals for Success


Intelligent custom IC verification is revolutionizing the way our industry verifies the next generation of custom ICs,  ensuring that they meet stringent power, performance, area, and yield targets within tight project windows.

Vietbay will cover six fundamental properties of intelligent custom IC verification that deliver orders-of-magnitude speedups and productivity improvements to engineering teams.

What is Intelligent Custom IC Verification?

Intelligent custom IC verification leverages artificial intelligence, data analytics, and visualization to enhance engineering efficiency and accuracy in verifying custom integrated circuit functional correctness, performance, and reliability across all process, voltage, and temperature operating conditions.

AI-powered verification platforms utilize adaptive learning with self-verification, additive AI, and generative AI-based assistive technologies to dramatically reduce simulation time, prevent overdesign, and enable designers to quickly identify and address any issues before the IC goes into production.

Intelligent Custom IC Verification: 6 Fundamental Properties for Success

Adaptive AI Increases Accuracy & Speed

The first property is adaptive artificial intelligence.

Adaptive AI builds custom predictive AI models during simulation runs, learning on the customer’s own data, including circuits, measurements, PDK’s. With this method, the data stays secure at the company’s site.

Adaptive AI enables custom IC designers to achieve 10X+ speedups while maintaining full SPICE accuracy.

Additive Learning Saves Simulation Time, Improves Results

The second property is additive learning. Additive learning technology leverages the AI models and data created from previous designs, automatically reusing and building on the models whenever possible.

Additive learning saves AI model training time and gives custom IC design engineers an additional 10X+ speedup while maintaining full SPICE accuracy.

Additive learning – Derivative custom IC designs or changes

Generative AI-Based Assistive Technology Accelerates Design Creation

The third property is generative-AI-based assistive technology, which goes beyond verification to help designers create new designs or Liberty models based on their existing data.

Generative AI-based assistive technology can improve productivity by 10X, helping designers improve power, performance, and area, while reducing design iterations and overdesign.

Design teams & AI algorithms need verifiable results

Fundamental property number four is verifiability of the AI-based results.

In electronic design automation applications, it is critical that both the design teams & AI algorithms can easily verify the correctness of results.

One effective mechanism is AI self-verification, where the AI  automatically acquires more data for training as needed to achieve accuracy, and then displays the model convergence to give designers confidence in the results.

Intelligent custom IC verification solution workflows ensure coverage & completeness

The fifth fundamental property is providing full solution workflows. Application workflows can include library IP verification, automotive, advanced node design, and 3D IC design.

Solution workflows enable designers to more efficiently achieve accurate power, performance, area, and yield targets for their specific application with significantly reduced time and effort.

Cloud-ready environments maximize scalability

The sixth fundamental property is cloud readiness.

Cloud-ready technology can provide on-demand access to 1000s of compute nodes, slashing turnaround time during peak demand, then scale back during low-demand periods.

Caliber IC design solution in IC verification

Caliber IC design solutions are the industry leader in IC verification, providing a complete IC verification EDA platform and DFM optimization that accelerates designs from creation to manufacturing, addressing all request sign-off.

Top 5 IC Caliber design solutions:

  1. Caliber physically verified
  2. Caliber verifies the circuit
  3. Caliber verifies reliability
  4. Caliber designed for production
  5. Caliber interface

Learn product details right here

Source: besttechviews

Vietbay –  authorized partner of Siemens EDA on IC&PCB design solutions for customers in the Vietnamese market.

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