Create realistic mockups


With Mockup, you can easily create high-quality mockups of art on objects like product packaging, mugs, and T-shirts. When you apply vector art on a raster object, Illustrator will automatically adjust the art to fit the curves and edges of the object.  

Create a mockup

Use either your own raster image or images from Adobe Stock to turn your ideas into brilliant visual prototypes.


Create a mockup with your image

  1. Use the Selection   tool to select the vector art and the image together, and then navigate to Object > Mockup > Make.

  2. Select Install in the dialog box that appears. This installation is a one-time process. The Mockup panel appears after the installation.

  3. Ensure that you still have the correct vector art and image selected, and then select Mockup in the Mockup panel. The vector art gets applied to the image.

  4. On the canvas, drag the vector art and place it in the desired location on the image. The art will auto-adjust according to the geometry of the object.

  5. Click outside the image to fix the art in its current location. To move the art again, select the art, and then select  Edit Content in the Properties panel.

Create a mockup with Stock images

  1. Use the Selection   tool to select the vector art, and then navigate to Object > Mockup > Make.

  2. Select Install in the dialog box that appears. This installation is a one-time process. The Mockup panel appears after the installation.

  3. In the Mockup panel, select a real-life application from the drop-down to get a curated list of images from Adobe Stock.

  4. Ensure that you still have the correct vector art selected, and then select Mockup in the Mockup panel. The vector art gets applied to the images on the panel.

  5. Hover over the preferred image and select Edit On Canvas  .

  6. On the canvas, drag the vector art and place it in the desired location on the image. The art will auto-adjust according to the geometry of the object.

  7. Click outside the image to fix the art in its current location. To move the art again, select the art, and then select  Edit Content   in the Properties panel.

  8. Once you’re satisfied with the image, hover over the image on the panel and select Buy License .

Edit a mockup

You can edit a mockup group as a whole, or edit the image or vector art on its own.

  1. Select the mockup group.

  2. In the Properties panel, select Edit Mockup GroupEdit Image, or Edit Content.

Edit vector art as a symbol

Once you create a mockup, the vector art turns into a symbol, giving you more editing options. Double-click the mockup group to enter the isolation mode, and then double-click the art to edit the symbol.

Release a mockup

  1. Select the mockup group.

  2. Select Object > Mockup > Release.

Current limitations

  • Elements such as mesh, graph, gradient mesh, freeform gradient, placed art, non-native art, raster, or raster effects aren’t supported as mockup art. For unsupported elements, Object > Mockup > Make will be greyed out or a warning message will appear indicating that Mockup will lead to an appearance mismatch. 
  • Vector art containing a clip group or expanding to a clip group such as pattern isn’t supported as mockup art.
  • You can’t create a mockup inside a mockup.
  • Quality issues can occur with reflective surfaces, small grooves, and images of the sky.
  • You can’t directly apply vector effects from the Effect menu on vector art within a mockup group. Switch to symbol editing mode to apply vector effects.
  • Linked Illustrator files aren’t supported. Embed the files to use them in mockups.
  • GPU is required in your computer for Mockup to work.


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