Virtual commissiong solution for machines


Digitalization changes everything and it is also changing business models. The pace of innovation and the ability to disrupt are becoming key success factors in global competition. This increases the pressure on enterprises, no matter the industry – and opens up new business opportunities at the same time.

In the field of machine building, the product development life cycle must be faster, more complex and flexible. To meet that trend and challenge, businesses need to improve their processes and apply new technologies, especially technology to build digital twin of products, allowing to bridge the gap between virtual and real environment. Siemens provides the most comprehensive solution to build a digital twin of machines, including virtual models of machines, production systems, connect and virtual commissioning of machines, systems. evaluation and optimization prior to production and assembly of the physical model.

The gap between the idea, reality and actual of machines is being bridged and connected in the development process

Siemens provides a fully integrated solution so that machine developers and manufacturers can design and develop machines in the fastest way and meet customer requirements through work integration capabilities. parallel on the same platform between related departments such as system engineering, mechanical designe (MCAD), Electrocal design (ECAD), automation design, automation engineering (PLC)… The process of interaction, exchange or design changes due to related issues between department are updated instantly and intuitively on the system, which helps the design change process to be faster, shorten development time and reduce costs

 Machine and cell, line building with Siemens solutions

The solution allows businesses to build a comprehensively digital twin of machines and production systems including mechanical, electrical, and automation components (sensors, actuators) and PLC control signal and software, technical parameters, etc., from which virtual commissioning and simulation can be performed in the digital environment to evaluate the machine’s behavior and operating scenarios and help with the assessment. The most intuitive and reliable, the virtual commissioning is done with the actual PLC program, so the connection and testing on the physical prototype will be reduced as the PLC program has been completed and evaluated. previously in the virtual environment. The automation and electrical department can participate in the product development process right from the concept design stage.


Virtual running can be done in 2 different ways including:

Hardware in the loop, which allows the combination of operating between the actual PLC controller device and the virtual model of the machine.
Software in the loop which means all the components involved are modeled on the virtual environment and simulated including the controller and PLC program as well as the PLC control screen.


Thus, with total and synchronize solution, Siemens’ machine concept design solutions give customers the ability to increase their competitive strength, reduce costs due to product development time, can 30% less time involved in product engineering while reducing the cost of physical prototype manufacturing and testing, improving machine quality from the first time through evaluation. Reliable pricing in a virtual environment. With rapid modeling and simulation capabilities, enterprises can also easily demonstrate and discuss design ideas with their customers in the most intuitive way, customers are involved early and the machine development process. right from the concept design stage.

For more information, please contact:
Vietbay CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Team
Phone/Zalo/Whatsapp: 091 929 5520
Email: [email protected] Website: * *

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