Vietbay has been authorized by the Department of Industry (Ministry of Industry and Trade – MOIT) to implement the project “Consulting and Training Enterprises of supporting industries for CAD/CAM/CAE technology in product and mold design, and manufacturing” in 2020. Specifically, the project includes 2 main activities:
Part 1: Technical workshops on Industry Software – The Key for Improving Business Processes and Increasing Competitive Advantages to Lead the market in the Industrie 4.0: integrated and synchronous CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM solutions, Manufacturing Execution System – MES, Product Lifecycle Management – PLM, Digital Factory, Smart Manufacturing…with the latest technologies (IoT, Big Data, 3D Printing …) to help enterprises innovate their thinking, improve their capabilities to select and apply effective technologies for time saving and resource optimization in production and business. Read workshop agenda. | |
Part 2: High-quality CAD/CAM/CAE intensive technology training courses with international standard curriculum and certified trainers, with no tuition fee, aim to help engineers to understand and proficiently use of tools to optimize design performance, improve the quality of manufacturing products and meet the market’s fast supply requirements. |
Requirements for project participation are:
1. Workshop participation. Registration at https://forms.gle/fDb1tznTTrgAHYxP6
2. CAD/CAM/CAE Training. Registration at https://forms.gle/BLtFqu93s5MCbjYn9
3. Document signed and sealed by the company for training participation
4. Forms and other requirements are available at https://congnghiephotro.vietbay.com.vn/
For more information, please contact:
Vietbay CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Team
Hotline/Viber/Zalo: 091 929 5520
Email: [email protected]
#vietbay #siemenpartner #industrialsoftware #productionmanufacturingsolution #digitalfactory #smartmanufacturing #cadcamcaetraining #freetraining #nxtraining #hightechlowcost