Siemens National 3D Design Competition (Vietnam)

The competition for nationwide students, which is organized by Siemens and Vietbay. This is an opportunity to help students access the most advanced design software nowadays, a chance to practice and gain knowledge as well as to be more confident when entering in the labor market.
Requested products for the competition:
1 Tiktok video about a product or a part of product in detail, designed by yourself using Siemens NX or Solid Edge.
There are Siemens, Vietbay logos and software logos used to design (NX or SE) attached to the competition product.
The length of video is less than 1 minute.
The Prize

Conditions of participation:
Students studying at universities and colleges specializing in engineering in Vietnam
There are self-designed products that match the criteria of the competition.
Register in accordance with the required rules.
Competiton rules:
1. Each student is allowed to submit 1 self-created product to the competition within the deadline for receipt.
2. Designed products must be used by authorized technology (Students can use NX and Solid Edge for free)
3. Students must ensure that they do not infringe the copyright of the technology used to design the contest product.
4. Contestants must comply with the provisions of copyright and relevant regulations on fine customs and traditions of Vietnamese law regarding the contested products.
5. Contestants must comply with the provisions of copyright and relevant regulations on fine customs and traditions of Vietnamese law regarding the contested products.
6. The organizers only contact to confirm and exchange with the contestant who is the owner of the products that meet the requirements of the contest and the posted tiktok channel.
Other benefits:
Opportunity to be trained on how to use the software by technology experts.
Internship opportunities in the company.
Registration time: 08/08/2022 – 17/10/2022
Register now

For more information, please contact:
Hotline: 091 929 5520
Email: [email protected]

#vietbay #siemens #3dcompetition #nx #solidedge

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