Archived webinar: Streamlining design with integrated part research and creation

This webinar delves into the challenges that electronic systems development organizations face and how an integrated part research and creation solution, such as PartQuest Portal, can help them streamline the design process, making it faster and more efficient.

Challenges in electronics development

Electronic systems development face a number of challenges:

  • Time constraints
  • First-pass success
  • Frequent modifications
  • Productivity challenges

Given its critical role in the initial stages of the design process, part selection is crucial in overcoming these challenges and facilitating a smoother progression through subsequent design stages.

In this webinar, learn more about how PartQuest Portal is more than just a tool; it’s an ecosystem that simplifies the part research and selection phase of the development process, driving efficiency, fostering innovation, and serving as an indispensable asset for engineers navigating the complexities of modern electronics design.

Learn more

Source: Siemens

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